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15 ways how to protect the skin in winter

Beauty Tips 15 ways to protect the Skin in Winter 

In winter, the skin often becomes rough and tough, due to which the complexion also becomes dull.  This  Therefore, adopt these methods of skin care (skin | care tips) before the severe cold:

1. Twice a week I exfoliate my skin, baking soda is best for this, or I scrub poppy seeds mixed with milk. 

2.  Start moisturizing your skin before the change of season so as not to increase the sensitivity of the skin.  (Choose a moisturizer that contains vitamin C).

3. From the month of November, the cold wave starts coming, so from November, avoid bathing with cold or hot water for a long time so that the moisture of the skin is maintained. 

4. Buy cosmetics according to the season, buy make-up products for the winter season, which have adequate amount of cream, moisturizer and oil.  

5. In winter, increase the amount of water, vitamin D, calcium and omega-C to maintain the body’s moisture, energy and strength and make the face look healthy.

6. If you have been using any rash cream for a long time, consult your doctor so that he can change it according to the season. 

7.  Be sure to use sunscreen (Alice, P, F | 30) in winter.By taking a few steps along with these habits, you can look cheerful and attractive even in severe winter.  

8.  Wash the mint leaves and keep them in a bottle, put them in tea or coffee and use them, the mint water brightens the skin color.

9.  We should weigh the seeds of melon and orange peel and grind them in the sun. This soap is very useful for those people who have dry skin and get cold sores.  By applying this safof mixed with honey, the marks of Thais begin to decrease in a few days. 

 10.  Prepare abton and keep it at home for winter.  Half a cup of barley flour, a pinch of dried lemon juice and a pinch of sandalwood powder, a pinch of Hasan Yusuf, a pinch of all these ingredients and put them in an open-mouthed jar.  Twice a week, take a little bit of Abton and mix it with water or milk, mix it with olive oil for lubrication and take it orally.

11. Mix glycerin, lemon juice, rose water and olive oil and start using it daily.  

12. To turn black lips into pink color, mix half a cup of coconut oil with two spoons of lemon juice and keep it in the fridge, coat it like petroleum jelly. 

13. Wash and dry an old cream or lotion container and put a small vial of glycerine and a patch of chatkri in it and save it.  Take: Lip balm is ready for your winters, using this balm will make your lips look beautiful not only in winters but in every season.  

14.  Heels crack and crack in winter. The remedy is to soften the laundry soap and mix it with glycerine.Put it in.  Apply a paste on cracked heels and rinse with fresh water. 

 15. In winter, soak your feet regularly in warm water so that they can be protected from fungus and ringworm.
Raja Arslan

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