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what is seo on page

5 Benefits of SEO on Page Position

Optimizing your website brings many advantages, however, doing it through SEO On Page means increasing the chances of going up, for example, in Google positioning. Discover here the advantages that this SEO strategy offers you.

In a digitized world like today, companies must be able to connect with their prospects and customers. To achieve this, SEO On Page is an excellent solution.

If you work in digital marketing, you should know these 5 benefits of SEO On Page.

What is SEO On Page?

When we talk about SEO On Page, we refer to all the optimizations that are done internally to the web page, with the aim of improving its organic position in search engines such as Google. These improvements depend on your work and that of your team, unlike Off Page SEO, which can be enhanced through Linkbuilding.

For example, the job you can optimize is:

  • The content
  • internal links
  • Alternative images and texts
  • Use of keywords
  • site speed
  • Web deployment on mobile devices

If you want to improve your positioning in Google, which represents 91.4% of the world market according to Statcounter, and organically reach your target audience -standing out from your competition-, SEO On Page positioning is a practical and economical strategy that you should consider.

5 advantages of SEO On Page

There are many companies worldwide that use On Page SEO techniques to improve their positioning, obtaining great benefits, including:

1. Improve the conversion rate

The conversion rate is the metric that reflects the percentage of people who have carried out an action that you wanted at a certain moment.

A user searches for something when they identify that they have a specific problem or need. When you implement SEO On Page actions such as content marketing, your website will be positioned in a relevant way in search results and people will find your content as a possible solution. In this way, you will receive qualified traffic, which is key to increasing your leads and sales.

2. Increase website visibility

It may be obvious, but better positioning increases the visibility of your website. Every time something is searched for and your site appears as a result, it means that it made an impression in the search results. But not just any, but an exposure to a user who has a specific intention.

To achieve this goal, you must deliver quality content. In this way, you can enhance the image of your brand, making it more professional and reliable.

3. Decrease bounce rate

In simple words, the bounce rate is the number of users who left a website on the entry page, without further interaction or navigated less than 30 seconds.

A good SEO On Page strategy will allow this indicator to be reduced, by considering more relevant, educational content and a series of tactics to get the user to browse more pages and for a longer time spent.

4. Increase the CTR in the SERPs

The CTR or Click Through Rate refers to the rate that a page achieves in the search results (SERP). It is a metric that evaluates the interest of users in the content.

When a person does a search on the Internet, the engine offers a series of options as results. If the content of our website seems relevant to you, it will increase the CTR.

Thus, when doing SEO On Page to increase the CTR rate, you should strive to optimize the title, URL and meta description of each URL or content that is published on your site, since these variables are shown in the results and will be determinants to get those clicks.

5. Attract quality traffic

This advantage is closely related to the previous points, because with an SEO On Page strategy you improve the quality of the traffic that reaches your page.

For example, if the website is positioned with the correct keywords that define your product or service, the traffic that will reach your website will be of quality, since it will be from someone with a specific intention.

As has been pointed out, a user who does a search on the Internet hopes to satisfy his need or solve his problems. In this case, the web will respond to the person with your page, in this way, they will see in your brand the solution they need.

Now that you know the main advantages of SEO On Page, remember to implement this strategy properly to position yourself organically in search engines.

Raja Arslan

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