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China offers visa-free entry for citizens of france, germany, italy

China Offers Visa-free Entry For Citizens Of France, Germany, Italy

China offers visa-free entry for citizens of france, germany, italy

Citizens of France, Germany, and Italy can enter China without a visa

China offers visa-free entry for citizens of france, germany, italy , To revamp its post-pandemic tourism, China will temporarily waive visa requirements for French, German, Italian, Dutch, Spanish and Malaysian nationals visiting the world’s second-largest economic zone.

A foreign ministry spokesman said on Friday that, from Dec. 1 to Nov. 30 next year, citizens of such countries, who enter China for business, tourism, visiting relatives and friends, or transiting but no more than fifteen days, will not require visas.
Recently, over the last few months, China has made efforts towards resuscitation of its tourism sector which was almost non-existent due to strict Covid-19 measures for three years that saw it restricting its flights internationally.
Another aspect of the government’s plans involves restoring international confidence in it following a dispute with several western nations over issues such as Covid, human rights, Taiwan and trade.ICENSE: This work may be changed to any other form, in whole or in part, without restriction provided that the source is. 
China offers visa-free entry for citizens of france, germany, italy
Recent Pew Research Centre surveys confirmed that China has an increasingly negative image among adult populations worldwide; specifically out of two dozen participants only thirty three percent reported favourable views of the country.
More than 50% of the respondents claimed that China is against non-interference into the affairs of others, thereby acting contrary to its own laws.
As Germany’s ambassador to China, Patricia Flor noted in a message posted on X (formerly called Twitter), “This move will let millions of Germans travel to China unlike before.”
She stated, “The Chinese government should apply them for every EU country as well”.
She stated that visa-free travel to Germany for Chinese nationals can only be achieved if all the states in the European Schengen Agreement consented to this policy.
The head of foreign trade for DIHK described this as “a welcome signal that will encourage greater tourism and bilateral business activity”.
“First of all, this act helps to keep machineries intact, ensure standard ‘Made in Germany’, exchanging ideas among entrepreneurs as well as promoting social contacts,” stated Volker Treier when speaking with Reuter.

French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna , who is in Beijing, wrote on X: Awesome for me, deputy leader minister, Wang Yi on my . 

This August, China extended the provisions of its visa-free transit policy to 54 countries which included citizens of Norway.
China offers visa-free entry for citizens of france, germany, italy
China did away with all COVID testing protocols for incoming travellers this month of August. In July, it reinstated a visa free stay of fifteen days for nationals of Singapore or Brunei.
Although international flights in and out the country are slow to come back to their normal level compared to local traffic, they are getting better nowadays.
In October, China’s Civil Aviation Authority disclosed planned flights at 16,680 per week running from November to end of March. The passenger flights are projected to be about 71% of those recorded four years earlier.
A similar view was expressed by the European Chamber of Commerce in China which noted that it would facilitate business confidence. “This is good since some of the authorities try help to improve people-to-people exchanges,” the latter commented.

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