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How to Take good Care of your Hair

How to Take good Care of your Hair to keep it Healthy and beautiful

This is the bible of hair care.  Everything you wanted to know about pre-wash rituals, washing, brushing, shampoos and specific treatments . 

If the hair is fine, everything is fine”, says a friend of mine, wise when it comes to hair care and beautiful haircuts. It may seem exaggerated, but it is clear that a healthy and beautiful hair always works in our favor. Ivana Trump said it – “Splendid hair is a great revenge” – and even professionals from Yale University have devoted various investigations to the relationship hair / emotional well-being. One of them, Marianne LaFrance: “We have discovered that hair is very important in terms of sociological implications.  A good hair day makes people feel more confident, more sociable and better in general, “said the expert in one of her studies.

But the key to beautiful hair (and a good hair day) is proper hair care. Sound hair is the beginning stage for all the other things, truth be told. The French beautician Christophe Robin a Byrdie previously said it. “Having solid hair is the mystery of French ladies to invest less energy brushing their hair Because how to take care of your hair is not just about using shampoo (and conditioner from time to time), here is the definitive bible of the steps that encompass proper hair (and scalp) care:


(it is fair and necessary)

It is similarly as essential to do a decent hair wash for all intents and purposes to deal with the means before that wash. Also, that convention preceding washing might be one of the extraordinary questions for most humans. These future the crucial places of the pre-wash custom..

1. Previous brushing before each wash

 It is fair and necessary to always do it  washing your hair.  By doing it dry (which is when you have to brush your hair), our hair is in its strongest and most resistant state.  And by doing it before washing, we remove traces of lacquers, gels or foams and facilitate subsequent wet detangling (which should be done with a comb).  María Baras, Cheska’s stylist, already told us that one of the best beauty tricks her mother taught her was that: “I remember her combing our hair before bathing me and my two sisters, one after the other. She did it with the brushes from Mason Pearson of natural bristles that he bought in Paris. Imagine, it was a lot of work with three girls, but it is very important, and more so when it comes to a girl’s fine hair, “he said.

2. Pre-wash Treatments

  The premise of sound hair is a solid scalp and in that lies the significance of utilizing pre-wash medicines adjusted to the necessities of our scalp, to which we should give a similar consideration as the skin of our face. There are filtering covers, scalp scours, pre-shampoos and even pre-wash oils. The key is to pick one adjusted to the necessities of our scalp – assuming it is delicate, on the off chance that it has abundance oil or on the other hand on the off chance that it is dried out and bothersome and use it as per the method of purpose of every one of them. Albeit by and large these pre-wash customs are generally done one time each week.

Wash Hair Well

 Washing hair correctly is another of the great beauty obsessions that concern us all.  This right washing suggests considering this large number of angles:

1. Creator of the mythical onion shampoo, advises moistening the hair and not applying the shampoo directly to the hair, but first to the hands and then to the hair.  It is important to massage the root and the contours and insist on an area that we tend to forget: the nape of the neck and behind the ears two regions that get grimy effectively in light of the fact that they don’t sweat.

2. Two applications of shampoo are usually recommended, putting the 2/5 rule into practice, that is, a first quick application and a second in which the shampoo is left to act for between 2 and 5 minutes.

3. The temperature of the water is likewise significant. The best is a middle ground: lukewarm water.  On the off chance that the water is extremely hot it can animate the creation of the sebaceous organs.

4. It is basic to commit time to backing off so the hair is wonderful and with volume. furthermore, in regards to the stunt of doing the last flush with a fly of cold water, the beautician Christophe Robin has it clear: “There isn’t anything more compelling for a characteristic sparkle.

5. The importance of conditioner.  Although not everyone uses conditioner after every wash –mistake–, it is fair and necessary to do so to prevent the ends from weakening when untangling the hair, as well as helping to reduce frizz and dryness.  And don’t be afraid to use it even if you have straight and fine hair because if you use a small amount and only on the ends, it won’t happen .

How to Dry Hair Well

 Although some stylists claim that letting hair dry in the air is the best treatment we can give our hair, the reality is that we always use a dryer, at least to remove moisture.  Before using the dryer, it is important to bear in mind that you must remove the moisture from the hair with a towel (preferably cotton), and use it gently, without rubbing the hair.  Utilizing your hands, press the towel against your head with the goal that it retains the water. It’s ideal to keep away from that propensity we as a whole have of scouring our hair against the towel to eliminate water. It’s a propensity that tangles the hair, yet in addition it breaks it,” says beautician Mónica Roldán. You can likewise settle on a turban towel to accelerate the drying system.

Furthermore, concerning the utilization of a dryer: ideally with a spout, since when the air is coordinated, the haircut is more cleaned and the hair has more sparkle.

The keys to Proper Brushing

 The health and beauty of our hair will also depend on doing a correct brushing because it will help us, both to keep the hair untangled and free of impurities. The typical thing is to do it in the first part of the day and around evening time, in spite of the fact that assuming the hair is exceptionally fine and it is required, it very well may be finished up to 3 or 4 times each day. In fact, hairstylist Philip B has talked about brushing at night on more than one occasion –whom Madonna asked for help with her peroxided hair–, who advises brushing hair with between 10 and 20 brush strokes.

And a fundamental maxim that all the experts insist on: “Brushing should always start at the mid-lengths and ends, and only when you have brushed this part can you brush the root. If you start at the root, there will be more pulling because the hair is tangled in the middle and ends and it is more likely to break, be damaged and fall more”, Pilar Santiago, specialist in treatments at Cheska, explained to us some time ago.

 Of course, when you have to detangle wet hair, since the hair is in its weakest state, it is preferable to use a wide-toothed comb and reserve the brush to be used only with dry hair.

hair treatments

 As well as utilizing the conditioner after each wash – and hostile to frizz creams and oils if fundamental doing explicit medicines consistently is fitting. One time each week, it is prudent to apply a particular cover for your hair type (dry, harmed, colored…). Caroline Greyl, leader of Leonor Greyl, suggests improving the impacts of this week by week cover by enveloping your hair by cling wrap while the veil works. This works with the entrance of the item yet without hauling it. It is likewise fitting to try that practice of Indian ladies of spreading their hair in oil and allowing it to act for the time being prior to washing it

Also, if you need it, you can resort to a specific hairdressing treatment every eight weeks.  From purifying rituals with natural masks to treatments such as hyaluronic acid to hydrate, capillary botox to nourish and seal, bioplasty to give volume to fine hair…

 The significance of  focusing on the scalp

 We have expressed it before while discussing pre-wash medicines and we say it again now. The scalp is the skin on which the hair develops. To have solid hair it is vital that the base is sound and clean. Thus, it is vital for really focus and deal with it. Notwithstanding unambiguous pre-wash medicines for the scalp and exfoliants that purge the hair follicle and oxygenate the scalp, there are explicit post-wash serums and salves for each kind of scalp. Provided that we have a sound scalp could we at any point have less balding, more grounded hair and more lovely hair.

The hair is also protected from the sun (and pollution)

 Protecting your hair during sun exposure is not just a matter of convenience for your highlights – you know, the sun can bleach them excessively and the chlorine in the pool can turn them green – but of hair health.  Albeit the sun, taken with some restraint and security, can have benefits for our skin, for example, upgrading the blend of vitamin D, it has no advantages for the hair, since the hair isn’t equipped for incorporating any nutrient.   Therefore, it is essential to use a sunscreen on the hair, protect the scalp with a scarf or hat during direct sun exposure, and also protect the hair from the effects of pollution throughout the year.  Hence, it is convenient to use specific anti-pollution balms or sprays for hair.

Raja Arslan

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